Appealing Your Conviction

The court ruling made at the end of a trial does not have to be the final decision in your case. In fact, if a conviction was made, it should not be the conclusion of your time in court. Instead, you should take action to appeal the decision made in your case with the help of our firm. Doing so will allow you the chance to exonerate yourself of the charges that were made in your name and stand up for the future freedoms that you feel are rightly due to you; freedoms that would most definitely be compromised by the consequences of a guilty conviction made by a state or federal court system.

Appealing your case will not result in a re-trial. Rather, it will entail a re-examination of the trial in which the court ruling was made. The purpose of the appeals cases is to determine whether or not the proceedings were conducted in a fair and error-free manner. If it can be proven that any type of error - fundamental, harmful, reversible, or invited - was made during the trial of your case, then you stand a good chance of being able to plead guilty on a sentence of "time served," effectively dropping the consequences that were incurred in your original trial sentencing. These are important, potentially life-changing moves that could substantially change the course of your future. As such, they should not be handled without the guidance of a legal professional in the field of criminal defense.

Representation in Appellate Court

If you were wrongly convicted or you feel that the consequences of your conviction were too harsh for the crime, then you have every right to appeal the decision that was made, and you should act on this right as quickly as possible. With the help of a skillful attorney at Mack Law Offices, you can rest assured that everything possible will be done to fight on behalf of appealing your case and obtaining a fair sentencing that is reflective of the nature of your charges. We have been defending the criminally accused for more than 40+ years combined, and we are unwilling to let our clients be misrepresented in the court of law. No matter what it takes, we are here to act on behalf our clients and see to it that their case stands the best possible chance of being recognized as one worthy of dropped or reduced sentencing. In some cases, this will mean appealing the decision in court, and when that is necessary we are ready to go to bat for you.